5th July 2023
Net Zero by 2090?
In Article, Latest News, Training
July 4th, 2023 saw another MGTC-UTM and OPTIMISE joint effort in advancing Partnership for the Net Zero Goals at the GHG Awareness Training at MGTC.
While promoting “Energy and Emission Management for All”, Prof Ir Ts Dr Zain shared an IEA scenario whereby a low international co-operation is more likely to veer the world way off its 2050 Net Zero target by at least 40 years, all the way to 2090! He went on to remind participants of the 1.5C “climate emergency” and shared a hexa-framework on how organisations can work together with their staff and communities in managing energy and emissions at work, at home and in everyone’s lives!
Ir Dr Lim Jeng Shiun came next to elaborate on our 6-step energy and emission management framework. His talk focused on the key requirements for GHG reporting; introduced the Science-Based Target Initiatives (SBTI), differentiated mitigation measures related to carbon offsetting and carbon credit; and finally explained on the use of Marginal Abatement Cost Curves (MACC) for cost-effective GHG mitigation project evaluation.
As social advocates, we are grateful to MGTC for the opportunity to share insights and experience to ESG professionals who came from across the country to be part of the effort to shape Malaysia’s pathway to Net Zero 2050.
If you are interested to learn more about GHG emissions management, please feel free to join our upcoming Energise Talk Series #7 on July 20th, 2023 organised together with MGTC. Please refer to the <link/poster> below for more information and to register for free.
Link to Energise Talk Series
OPTIMISE is pleased to invite registration for our upcoming open and in-house workshops on energy, GHG accounting and management, resource and environmental sustainability available at our website. For further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or call us at +607-570 4842.
This article is published on July 5, 2023 by Optimal System Engineering