18th August 2023
ESG - Emergency Sustainability Governance?
In Article, Latest News
Emergency Sustainability Governance (ESG) is taking the world by storm in the (rat) Race to Net Zero.
You may be among the many if you need to report your company’s GHG emissions but are still in a daze of what the ESG entails. You may not be the only one to have lost your sense of humor – if you took seriously my alternate definition of the ESG acronym.
The actual ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) may be a rude awakening to many. But then, at our just concluded GHG accounting and reporting workshop this week, being able to mingle face to face with corporations that have chosen to ride on the wind of change is uplifting.
To help drive a lively and vibrant learning experience, we took the liberty to turn on active, problem-based work sessions and discussions to address participants’ real life corporate challenges.
Apart from addressing the core learning outcome of this program, i.e., corporate GHG reporting based ISO 14064 and GHG protocol standard, participants were also kept engaged throughout the two days’ workshop on topics that best resonated with them., from assigning the authority and scope, accounting for product life cycle footprint, to leveraging SBTI, carbon pricing and market tools.
Ultimately, embracing ESG will help build a compelling corporate image across supply chains and stakeholders. Beyond that, working with the community will build long term corporate resilience.

We invite all to join the 8th ENERGISE Talk Series and COPE-BEST 2023 to support imperatives to realise an increasingly utopian net zero world that will help evade looming climate catastrophes.

COPE-BEST 2023 Registration Now Open!
For more information about the COPE-BEST 2023, please visit: COPE-BEST | Convention on Promotion of Energy Sustainability Best Practices
This article is published on August 18, 2023 by Optimal System Engineering