About Registered Energy Manager (REM) in Malaysia 2

February 6, 2025

About Registered Energy Manager (REM) in Malaysia


What is Registered Energy Manager (REM)

According to the newly enforced Energy Efficiency Conservation Act 2024 (EECA) in Malaysia, industries or commercial buildings consuming equal or more than 21,600 GJ/y of energy within one year are known as the Energy Consumer’. Under the Act, it is compulsory for Energy Consumers to appoint a Registered Energy Manager (REM) within 3 months after they receive the written notice from the Energy Commission (EC). 

Types of Registered Energy Manager (REM)

There are two types of Registered Energy Manager (REM). The Energy Consumer is required to appoint REM Type 1 if the facility consumes between 21,600 GJ/yr and 50,000 GJ/yr. If the facility consumes equal or more than 50,000 GJ/yr, they are required to appoint REM Type 2. REM Type 1 are energy managers which have knowledge in energy management systems, and electrical energy systems audit and energy saving measures.  REM Type 2 are energy managers which have additional knowledge on thermal  energy systems audit and energy saving measures.

Who can be appointed as REM?

REM can be among company employees or outsourced from outside or within a related corporation. An appointed internal REM can only serve a maximum of seven energy consumers related to the corporation. 

If outsourced, this is only allowed for a period not exceeding three years from the date of the written notice from EC.  An appointed external REM can only serve a maximum of seven different energy consumers.

What are the functions and duties of REM in the company?

The function and duties of REM are:

    • To gather and analyse the energy consumption data of an energy consumer. 
    • To ensure that the energy consumer implements Energy Management Systems (EnMS).
    • To monitor the EnMS implementation by the energy consumer.  
    • To prepare the Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) report for the energy consumer.
    • To ensure the accuracy of information provided in the EE&C report. 
    • To advise the energy consumer on any other energy saving measures which may be implemented by the energy consumer, and to monitor the implementation of such measures.
    • To perform related duties as may be determined by the Commission 

How to become REM?

Existing Registered Electrical Energy Manager (REEM) can apply to transition to REM Type 1 by filling in the REEM to REM transition application form (Link). They can also apply to become REM Type 2 by taking and passing the exam conducted by EC.

For a new REM application, the person will need to attend and pass the  REM Type 1 and REM Type 2 training (5 days each training with examination) offered by Registered Training Institutions (RTI).  The RTI must be registered under the Energy Commission.  There are two types of RTI, RTI that can offer REM training and RTI that only offers continuous development programme (CDP) courses for REM renewal.  

Applicants need to complete and pass the REM Type 1 training before taking the REM Type 2 training.  After the completion of the training, participants will need to apply with the EC to become REM Type 1 or 2.  The training certificate for REM Type 1 or REM Type 2 is valid for only five years from the date of the training completed.

Where can I find REM training providers?

As EECA has recently been enforced, many training providers including Optimal Systems Engineering (OPTIMISE) are still applying to officially become an RTI under the EC, and will soon offer training either related to REM or CDP training.

For now, OPTIMISE offers a range of training to create awareness on EECA and can help your company to upskills your manpower related to energy and GHG.

Energy and GHG In-House Training List: Click here

Energy and GHG Public Training List 2025: Click here

Where can my company get the service of a Registered Energy Manager (REM)?

Good news! OPTIMISE provides a range of REM service packages from the most essential, to premium services at very affordable prices! Optimal Systems Engineering has a team of experienced REMs (Type 1 and Type 2) certified under the Energy Commission with extensive experience and expertise in developing and implementing Energy Management Systems (EnMS) under AEMAS (EMGS) and ISO50001. 

Our team has assisted Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) to win the ASEAN Energy Award and become the first EMGS 3 Star-certified organisation in ASEAN.  As a result of the AEMAS EMGS implementation, UTM has achieved energy savings of more than USD7 Million in less than a decade of Sustainable Energy Management (SEM) implementation.  We are also the certified Energy Managers Training Centre for the Southern Region of Malaysia.  We regularly conduct the EnMS training courses under ISO50001 and the Energy Manager Training Course (EMTC) as part of the Certified Energy Manager (CEM) certification requirement in collaboration with Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC).  We are also available to conduct an in-house EMTC and help your company develop and implement an EnMS under AEMAS or ISO50001. OPTIMISE also offers ISO50001 and ESG Lead Auditor Training that are certified under Exemplar Global, in collaboration with KIWA International Certifications.

If you need further info, please fill in the OPTIMISE Inquiry Form


    1. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2024
    2. Energy Efficiency & Conservation Regulations 2024
    3. GP/ST/No.44/2024: Guidelines on Ascertaining Energy Consumer
    4. GP/ST/No.47/2024: Guidelines on Functions and Duties of REM
    5. Guide 1: Guide On Registration of Energy Manager.
    6. Guide 3: Guide On Registration of Training Institution

This article is published on January 10, 2021 by Optimal Systems Engineering

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