September 27, 2022
Over 1000 from more than 20 countries attended COPE-BEST 2022.
In Article
Leveraging technology the 4A-way enabled Anyone to Access COPE-BEST at Anytime from Anywhere.
A total of 1121 participants from more than 20 countries, including from Europe, Africa, Asia and, as far west as Mexico and the USA attended COPE-BEST 2022. This makes it one of ASEAN’s biggest energy conventions.
We attribute the overwhelming response to the Ten Uniqueness of COPE-BEST that has made it one of the top 4 Finalists of the IChemE 2022 Global Awards under the Public Engagement category. The award winner will be announced in November 2022 at Manchester, UK.
With 76% participants comprising industrialists and policymakers and the rest from academia, COPE-BEST and ENERGISE provide a platform for the energy sustainability community of practice to exchange experiences and insights, explore potential partnership, share best practices, and innovation and discuss business prospects.
“A Virtual COPE-BEST that Feels Physical”
Many participants shared how pleasantly surprised they were to know that they could actually do networking, visit exhibition booths, meet other participants and have a one-on-one interaction with speakers at COPE-BEST. In short – they were glad to be able to do just about all they were used to doing at a physical conference, and more.
Some shared how easy it was to initiate contact. All they had to do was to scroll down the list of participants’ profiles and click on a name to start a chat. They could then set up one-on-one virtual meetings to discuss partnership and business prospects. To them, it helps to have some leads on their potential connections prior to a meeting.
Flexibility and Ubiquity
The COPE-BEST 4A also provides the much needed flexibility for participants who could ill afford an extended time away from the office. They highly appreciate the chance to hop into a session of their interest, hop out to attend meetings at their office after the session, and rejoin the next session without having to leave office. In fact, those who were unable to attend COPE-BEST live could follow the recorded sessions at their own pace.
Committee members, on the other hand, shared that engaging high profile speakers exposed them to the risks of sudden cancellations and schedule changes. COPE-BEST 2022 leveraged technology ubiquity to overcome this challenge the 4A-way by accessing speakers from anywhere they are either live, or through recorded presentations.
Practicing Planet Protection
By conducting the event online, we have avoided the needs of travelling for participants, speakers and committees. As a result, we have managed to reduce about 60,000 kg of equivalent CO2 emissions from the combustion of fuel in our transports. Our quick estimate showed that the avoided emissions is equivalent to the annual CO2 absorbed by 6000 trees and generated sufficient oxygen for 12,000 people for 2 years. This is how we are able to practice what we all so vigorously preached about protecting our planet by avoiding a significant amount of emissions.
Welcoming Contributions for ENERGISE and COPE-BEST 2023
Optimal Systems Engineering (OPTIMISE) as the main event organiser appreciates our co-organisers Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC). We are grateful for the support of the COPE-BEST community comprising all collaborators, sponsors, exhibitors and contributors including distinguished speakers, panelists, session chairs and co-chairs as well as masters of ceremony of COPE-BEST 2022. In anticipation of COPE-BEST 2023, we warmly welcome your contributions as sponsors, speakers, collaborators, committee and participants of ENERGISE talk series and COPE-BEST. Do stay in touch. May we all bind together to COPE-BEST with the challenges ahead!
This article is published on September 27, 2022 by Optimal System Engineering