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August 15, 2021

Optimise Academy: The Online Energy Training Platform For All


The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the effort to democratize education to enable anyone, to learn anything from anywhere at anytime. Optimal Systems Engineering announced its latest on-demand upskilling programs at the launching of OPTIMISE Academy during COPE-BEST 2021, the first Convention on Promotion of Energy Sustainability Best Practices

    • OPTIMISE Academy offers flexible learning-on-demand programs in areas of resource conservation to help develop people as the key driver in building a sustainable organisation. 
    • OPTIMISE Academy provides an online training platform for upskilling all levels of people in an organization.

An organization looking to drive energy efficiency to support its business goals, for example, may consider the OPTIMISE Academy’s customized in-company workshop on the implementation of Energy Management System standards that involve company’s middle and top management. In adopting energy-efficiency best practices in processes and operations, many organizations have enrolled their technical staff in OPTIMISE’s energy audit and optimization training programs. We also conduct general energy awareness programs that are suitable for all company staff, company stakeholders and the public to help companies build an inclusive energy sustainability culture.  OPTIMISE Academy also provide programs for upskilling and certification of energy professionals such as energy managers, energy auditors, energy consultants, energy service companies, academicians, researchers, and students.

One of the unique signature courses of OPTIMISE Academy is the Thermal Energy Recovery Technologist (TERT).  TERT workshop is one of OPTIMISE’s initiatives to build capacity and expertise for the current and future thermal energy auditors, energy professionals and  energy experts, in support of the government’s aspiration to build resilience and create a sustainable and efficient industrial eco-system through initiatives such as the National Energy Award (NEA), Energy Audit Conditional Grant (EACG) and the anticipated enactment of Malaysia’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (EECA). There are four levels of the Thermal Energy Recovery Technologist (TERT) Certification program.  Level 1 and 2 provides the fundamentals and advanced knowledge on thermal energy recovery based on Pinch Analysis. TERT Level 3 will qualify participants as ‘Certified Professional Thermal Energy Recovery Technologist (CP-TERT) while TERT Level 4 will qualify them as ‘Certified Expert Thermal Energy Recovery Technologist (CE-TERT)’.  The TERT workshops are now available at OPTIMISE Academy as a self-paced, or live, and as customized in-company workshops.

Checkout all OPTIMISE Academy available energy trainings now:

This article is published on August 15, 2021 by Optimal Systems Engineering

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