Meet Malaysia’s First Batch of Certified Thermal Energy Recovery Technologist (CP-TERT) 2

August 15, 2021

Meet Malaysia’s First Batch of Certified Thermal Energy Recovery Technologist (CP-TERT)


Congratulations to the first batch the Certified Professional Thermal Energy Recovery Technologist (CP-TERT)! The inaugural Thermal Energy Recovery Technologist (TERT) workshop series kicked off earlier this year on 28 February 2021 with the first batch of 25 selected trainees from among experienced, and future energy auditors, energy managers, consultants, industrial practitioners, technologists and researchers out of nearly 100 workshop applicants.

Fully sponsored by PENJANA HRDF GIG fund, the workshop is part of OPTIMISE’s and UTM initiative to build capacity and expertise for the current and future thermal energy auditors and experts, in support of the government’s aspiration to build resilience and create an eco-system for sustainable and efficient use of energy in industry through initiatives such as the National Energy Award (NEA)Energy Audit Conditional Grant (EACG) and the anticipated enactment of Malaysia’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (EECA).

The first batch of the TERT trainees have completed the TERT User (Level 1) and Advanced (Level 2) programs. To date, 14 trainees have progressed to TERT Level 3 and successfully completed the training module and assessment programs to qualify them as Certified Professional Thermal Energy Recovery Technologist (CP-TERT). The certification enables the candidate to provide energy audit services for industrial facilities on how to maximize thermal energy recovery and minimize utility costs using Pinch Analysis technique. The professionals can later apply for conversion to Certified Expert – Thermal Energy Recovery Technologist  (CE-TERT) once they have successfully completed a real-life industrial project.

This article is published on August 15, 2021 by Optimal Systems Engineering