April 8, 2021
The Women As The Emerging Power Of The 21st Century
In Article
The Young Muslim Women Summit was made to highlight Women as a force that emerges in the 21st century by forming a blueprint of desirable improvement objectives and making it a guide to strengthen the ability to work despite the many problems and difficulties faced by young women in the 21st century. The highest point of this is to help young women with more unique positions in their jobs and tackle the issues into impact and extend it into strengthening. There is a huge number of young women scientists in their separate fields notwithstanding the numerous troubles they confront and build up each other’s dynamism and enthusiasm in their lives. This is a new opportunity and prospect for young women scientists to benefit from their guidance to build balanced empowerment and build a better post-COVID world by making it with more knowledge for progress and innovation.
Great words were shared from effective guests like Professor Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi, Research Fellow of Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Co-founder of Optimal Systems Engineering Sdn Bhd. During this conference, Professors have shared the important part of succeeding in a career by overcoming the challenges they face to succeed in a career path. Other guests were also invited as Maha Akeel who is the Director of Social and Family Affairs at the Jeddah-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Somaya Faruqi who is the team leader of the Afghan Robotics Development Team. Sarah Qureshi is best known as a Pakistani Aerospace Engineer and CEO of Aero Engineer Craft, the first private aviation company in Pakistan that focuses on environment-friendly aircraft engines, Mona Diab is Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science, George Washington University, and Facebook AI Research Scientist.
They became the best role models to young women in their respective fields. The strength of women in a highly competitive world in the post-COVID period and developing their own capabilities and believing in their own abilities are the most effective words for the success of all the young women that have been emphasized by the guests.
This article is published on April 8, 2021 by Optimal Systems Engineering