Analyse your company maximum water reuse potential based on Pinch Analysis
Optimal Water is a software to analyse maximum water recovery potential in a facility. It enables you to design the process water system and water recycle network in a rapid and efficient way. Optimal Water assists you to improve the water efficiency and reduce the fresh water consumption and waste water of your process water network, and therefore reduce the water utilities cost and waste water treatment cos. Optimal Water automates the process of designing the water network that gives maximum water saving. For a retrofit project on existing process water system, Optimal Water helps you to pin-point the scope of improvement for your water network. For new design, Optimal Water assist you to design the optimal water recycle network with minimum fresh water consumption and waste water discharge. Optimal Water has been proven on both industrial and urban projects and delivered satisfied results. Whatever your case is, Optimal Water gives you a cutting edge for your company to be water efficient.User friendly interface for easy data entry
Data entry could not be simpler. The spread sheet style data entry enables you to enter the data easily.
Easy setup for analysis
Only minimum data are required to analyze the water recovery potential, i.e., process streams’ flow rate and contaminant concentration. With these basic data, you are good to go to access the water performance of your process plant or building.
Automated result
From the quick overview of maximum water saving to the detailed configuration of water recovery network, all these results are automatically generated.
Graphical result
The result of your analysis in graphically presented. The generated composite curve shows you the minimum water consumption, whereas the water network diagram shows you the configuration of process water network.
Applicable for both industry and urban building
Optimal Water is applicable for both industry and urban building. Optimal Water has proven its reliability and superior performance in the industry case such as semi-conductor industry and urban case such as mosque.
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Demo Screenshot: Updated 2021
Awards: IPTA R&D Expo 2008- Gold; Expo S&T – Silver, INATEX – Silver
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