The first convention to synergise Best Practices and Innovations in Energy Sustainability, Energy Efficiency and Conservation, COPE-BEST 2021 is held virtually on 28-29 July 2021.
Policy Makers
Participants' Testimonial
Great effort to bring together the government bodies, the industry, and academia!
Grace Ann Yap Su-Mei
Speaker of COPE-BEST 2021
Fully embrace the digital conference platform. Nice setup. Interesting way for networking, simple platform with good scheduling of sessions.
Mohd Azizi bin Abdul Aziz
Participant of COPE-BEST 2021
In my point of view, in terms of Platform used, I could not find any flaws at the moment as I find it feasible, while for the keynote, plenary and forum sessions, organizers did exceptional job in gathering the right experts into this convention.
Muhammad Ramziuddin bin Zakaria
Participant of COPE-BEST 2021
I am impressed on the topic discussed and selection of very talented speakers.
Ahmad Shahzalli bin Abd. Majid
Participant of COPE-BEST 2021
It is very interesting convention and it needs to continue to be held next time to make sure our communities know the crucial of sustainability.
Saiful Azrin bin Saidi
Participant of COPE-BEST 2021
Great event, especially for the link industry-academy-sicentific comunities in this priotritary topic of energy management.
Alicia Roman-Martinez
Participant of COPE-BEST 2021
The convention is an eye-opener of our current status in renewable energy and a big picture of our direction plan for now and in future.
Norain binti Idris
Participant of COPE-BEST 2021
Supported by
COPE-BEST 2021 Event Collaborators
Malaysian Green Technology And Climate Change Centre
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT) - UTM
Sustainable Campus - UTM
In Conjunction
IGEM 2021
Supported by
Malaysia Association of Energy Service Companies (MAESCO)
Sponsorship of COPE-BEST 2021
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
COPE-BEST 2021 Convention Partners
Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA)
Petronas - Petroliam National Berhad
Institute for Sustainable Technology AEE (INTEC)
Suruhanjaya Tenaga
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Malaysia
Sime Darby Plantation
Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI)
AMR Environmental
Kementerian Tenaga dan Sumber Asli (KeTSA
Universiti Malaya Power Energy Dedicated Advanced Centre (UMPEDAC)
Primetech Engineers
HIJJAS Architects & Planners
Ditrolic Solar
Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, Indonesia
Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT)